Febrile Seizure Research

To better understand febrile seizures and improve clinical care of children with febrile seizures, NYU Langone Health would like to analyze videos of living children who have a video recording of their sleep related febrile seizure. 


Febrile seizures are convulsions in a child that is caused by a fever or illness. Febrile seizures are common in about 3-4% of U.S. children, occurring in young, healthy children without prior neurological symptoms.*

Who is appropriate for this study enrollment?

Febrile seizure control subjects will have experienced a febrile seizure or convulsion between the ages of 6 months and 5 years of age and have video documentation from their parents or legal guardians to share for study analysis.

Who is not appropriate for this study enrollment?

Any child with a febrile seizure event before 6 months of age or after 5 years of age, or a child without video documentation of seizure event.

What will I be asked to do if I decide to enroll?

  1. You will be asked to review and complete a study consent form on behalf of your child.
  2. You will be asked to complete an online survey (5 minutes) about your child’s health, development, sleep and their febrile seizure(s).
  3. You will be asked to share the video recording(s) of your child’s sleep related febrile seizure event.
  4. You will be asked to allow us to share your child’s information with researchers on databrary.org  

What is Databrary?

Databrary is a secure, web-based data library. You can visit their website at databrary.org. The library allows authorized researchers to access shared videos, and potentially, to use carefully selected excerpts for scientific presentations and/or informational and educational purposes (based on the level of release given by participants). Authorized researchers will use professional judgment and uphold ethical principles in determining which excerpts and images to present and with which audiences. The materials and data on Databrary are intended to accelerate research discovery.

Will I be paid for study participation?

No, you will not be paid for study participation, nor will you incur any costs.

If I am interested in enrolling my child or have more questions, what should I do next?

Please CLICK HERE. A study team member will contact you shortly.

Thank you very much for helping us better understand febrile seizures and SUDC. 


*Research at the SUDC Registry and Research Collaborative and other institutions have identified very rare associations of sudden deaths in children with a history of febrile seizures.

NYU Langone Health

Comprehensive Epilepsy Center

223 E 34th St, Ground Floor

New York, NY 10016

The SUDCRRC is approved by the NYU Langone Health’s Institutional Review Board (i14-01061).